

clairepas - il minipimer della nonna

clairepas - il minipimer della nonna
Il minipimer della nonna (Granny's blender) is an artist book I made a couple of years ago. 6 handprinted etchings from zinc plates.
there will be a small exhibition at Tuba bazar, Pigneto, Roma.
vernissage on 1st March at 7 p.m.

there will be a talk with Michela Becchis and Giovanna Ranaldi, the illustrator of Il bosco la ragazza il lupo. we were very pleased to talk with them about Giovanna's book and Cappuccetto Rosso a couple of weeks ago at Tuba.
this will be the second part.

frames are ready. prints too.
today I am going to print some postcards too.

I am waiting for you all to come.

* thanks to Elisabetta Diamanti and Maria Pina Bentivenga, my intaglio teachers from Scuola di arti e mestieri di san giacomo; the printers Giancarlo Busato and Valerio from Stamperia d'arte Busato where I printed my work; my friend Barbara who shared with me the whole idea of the project. and Tuba of course.

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